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26.9 Hardcopy Output

The SXEmacs commands for making hardcopy derive their names from the Unix commands ‘print’ and ‘lpr’.

M-x print-buffer

Print hardcopy of current buffer using Unix command ‘print
(‘lpr -p’). This command adds page headings containing the file name and page number.

M-x lpr-buffer

Print hardcopy of current buffer using Unix command ‘lpr’. This command does not add page headings.

M-x print-region

Like print-buffer, but prints only the current region.

M-x lpr-region

Like lpr-buffer, but prints only the current region.

All the hardcopy commands pass extra switches to the lpr program based on the value of the variable lpr-switches. Its value should be a list of strings, each string a switch starting with ‘-’. For example, the value could be ("-Pfoo") to print on printer ‘foo’.