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8.3 Writing Lisp Primitives

Lisp primitives are Lisp functions implemented in C. The details of interfacing the C function so that Lisp can call it are handled by a few C macros. The only way to really understand how to write new C code is to read the source, but we can explain some things here.

An example of a special form is the definition of prog1, from eval.c. (An ordinary function would have the same general appearance.)

DEFUN ("prog1", Fprog1, 1, UNEVALLED, 0, /*
Similar to `progn', but the value of the first form is returned.
\(prog1 FIRST BODY...): All the arguments are evaluated sequentially.
The value of FIRST is saved during evaluation of the remaining args,
whose values are discarded.
  /* This function can GC */
  REGISTER Lisp_Object val, form, tail;
  struct gcpro gcpro1;

  val = Feval (XCAR (args));

  GCPRO1 (val);

  LIST_LOOP_3 (form, XCDR (args), tail)
    Feval (form);

  return val;

Let’s start with a precise explanation of the arguments to the DEFUN macro. Here is a template for them:

DEFUN (lname, fname, min_args, max_args, interactive, /*

This string is the name of the Lisp symbol to define as the function name; in the example above, it is "prog1".


This is the C function name for this function. This is the name that is used in C code for calling the function. The name is, by convention, ‘F’ prepended to the Lisp name, with all dashes (‘-’) in the Lisp name changed to underscores. Thus, to call this function from C code, call Fprog1. Remember that the arguments are of type Lisp_Object; various macros and functions for creating values of type Lisp_Object are declared in the file lisp.h.

Primitives whose names are special characters (e.g. + or <) are named by spelling out, in some fashion, the special character: e.g. Fplus() or Flss(). Primitives whose names begin with normal alphanumeric characters but also contain special characters are spelled out in some creative way, e.g. let* becomes FletX().

Each function also has an associated structure that holds the data for the subr object that represents the function in Lisp. This structure conveys the Lisp symbol name to the initialization routine that will create the symbol and store the subr object as its definition. The C variable name of this structure is always ‘S’ prepended to the fname. You hardly ever need to be aware of the existence of this structure, since DEFUN plus DEFSUBR takes care of all the details.


This is the minimum number of arguments that the function requires. The function prog1 allows a minimum of one argument.


This is the maximum number of arguments that the function accepts, if there is a fixed maximum. Alternatively, it can be UNEVALLED, indicating a special form that receives unevaluated arguments, or MANY, indicating an unlimited number of evaluated arguments (the C equivalent of &rest). Both UNEVALLED and MANY are macros. If max_args is a number, it may not be less than min_args and it may not be greater than 8. (If you need to add a function with more than 8 arguments, use the MANY form. Resist the urge to edit the definition of DEFUN in lisp.h. If you do it anyways, make sure to also add another clause to the switch statement in primitive_funcall().)


This is an interactive specification, a string such as might be used as the argument of interactive in a Lisp function. In the case of prog1, it is 0 (a null pointer), indicating that prog1 cannot be called interactively. A value of "" indicates a function that should receive no arguments when called interactively.


This is the documentation string. It is written just like a documentation string for a function defined in Lisp; in particular, the first line should be a single sentence. Note how the documentation string is enclosed in a comment, none of the documentation is placed on the same lines as the comment-start and comment-end characters, and the comment-start characters are on the same line as the interactive specification. make-docfile, which scans the C files for documentation strings, is very particular about what it looks for, and will not properly extract the doc string if it’s not in this exact format.

In order to make both etags and make-docfile happy, make sure that the DEFUN line contains the lname and fname, and that the comment-start characters for the doc string are on the same line as the interactive specification, and put a newline directly after them (and before the comment-end characters).


This is the comma-separated list of arguments to the C function. For a function with a fixed maximum number of arguments, provide a C argument for each Lisp argument. In this case, unlike regular C functions, the types of the arguments are not declared; they are simply always of type Lisp_Object.

The names of the C arguments will be used as the names of the arguments to the Lisp primitive as displayed in its documentation, modulo the same concerns described above for F... names (in particular, underscores in the C arguments become dashes in the Lisp arguments).

There is one additional kludge: A trailing ‘_’ on the C argument is discarded when forming the Lisp argument. This allows C language reserved words (like default) or global symbols (like dirname) to be used as argument names without compiler warnings or errors.

A Lisp function with max_args = UNEVALLED is a special form; its arguments are not evaluated. Instead it receives one argument of type Lisp_Object, a (Lisp) list of the unevaluated arguments, conventionally named (args).

When a Lisp function has no upper limit on the number of arguments, specify max_args = MANY. In this case its implementation in C actually receives exactly two arguments: the number of Lisp arguments (an int) and the address of a block containing their values (a Lisp_Object *). In this case only are the C types specified in the arglist: (int nargs, Lisp_Object *args).

Within the function Fprog1 itself, note the use of the macros GCPRO1 and UNGCPRO. GCPRO1 is used to “protect” a variable from garbage collection—to inform the garbage collector that it must look in that variable and regard the object pointed at by its contents as an accessible object. This is necessary whenever you call Feval or anything that can directly or indirectly call Feval (this includes the QUIT macro!). At such a time, any Lisp object that you intend to refer to again must be protected somehow. UNGCPRO cancels the protection of the variables that are protected in the current function. It is necessary to do this explicitly.

The macro GCPRO1 protects just one local variable. If you want to protect two, use GCPRO2 instead; repeating GCPRO1 will not work. Macros GCPRO3 and GCPRO4 also exist.

These macros implicitly use local variables such as gcpro1; you must declare these explicitly, with type struct gcpro. Thus, if you use GCPRO2, you must declare gcpro1 and gcpro2.

Note also that the general rule is caller-protects; i.e. you are only responsible for protecting those Lisp objects that you create. Any objects passed to you as arguments should have been protected by whoever created them, so you don’t in general have to protect them.

In particular, the arguments to any Lisp primitive are always automatically GCPROed, when called “normally” from Lisp code or bytecode. So only a few Lisp primitives that are called frequently from C code, such as Fprogn protect their arguments as a service to their caller. You don’t need to protect your arguments when writing a new DEFUN.

GCPROing is perhaps the trickiest and most error-prone part of SXEmacs coding. It is extremely important that you get this right and use a great deal of discipline when writing this code. See GCPROing, for full details on how to do this.

What DEFUN actually does is declare a global structure of type Lisp_Subr whose name begins with capital ‘SF’ and which contains information about the primitive (e.g. a pointer to the function, its minimum and maximum allowed arguments, a string describing its Lisp name); DEFUN then begins a normal C function declaration using the F... name. The Lisp subr object that is the function definition of a primitive (i.e. the object in the function slot of the symbol that names the primitive) actually points to this ‘SF’ structure; when Feval encounters a subr, it looks in the structure to find out how to call the C function.

Defining the C function is not enough to make a Lisp primitive available; you must also create the Lisp symbol for the primitive (the symbol is interned; see Obarrays) and store a suitable subr object in its function cell. (If you don’t do this, the primitive won’t be seen by Lisp code.) The code looks like this:

DEFSUBR (fname);

Here fname is the same name you used as the second argument to DEFUN.

This call to DEFSUBR should go in the syms_of_*() function at the end of the module. If no such function exists, create it and make sure to also declare it in symsinit.h and call it from the appropriate spot in main(). See General Coding Rules.

Note that C code cannot call functions by name unless they are defined in C. The way to call a function written in Lisp from C is to use Ffuncall, which embodies the Lisp function funcall. Since the Lisp function funcall accepts an unlimited number of arguments, in C it takes two: the number of Lisp-level arguments, and a one-dimensional array containing their values. The first Lisp-level argument is the Lisp function to call, and the rest are the arguments to pass to it. Since Ffuncall can call the evaluator, you must protect pointers from garbage collection around the call to Ffuncall. (However, Ffuncall explicitly protects all of its parameters, so you don’t have to protect any pointers passed as parameters to it.)

The C functions call0, call1, call2, and so on, provide handy ways to call a Lisp function conveniently with a fixed number of arguments. They work by calling Ffuncall.

eval.c is a very good file to look through for examples; lisp.h contains the definitions for important macros and functions.

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